
List of publications

  1. Aditya Lele, Predrag Krstic, Adri C.T.van Duin, "ReaxFF Force Field Development for Gas-Phase hBN Nanostructure Synthesis" The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2022).
  2. Aditya Lele, Hyunguk Kwon, Karthik Ganeshan, Yuan Xuan, Adri CT van Duin, "ReaxFF molecular dynamics study on pyrolysis of bicyclic compounds for aviation fuel" Fuel 297 (2021): 120724.
  3. Malgorzata Kowalik, Md Jamil Hossain, Aditya Lele, Wenbo Zhu, Riju Banerjee, Tomotaroh Granzier-Nakajima, Mauricio Terrones, Eric W Hudson, Adri CT van Duin, "Atomistic-Scale Simulations on Graphene Bending Near a Copper Surface" Catalysts 11.2 (2021): 208.
  4. Hyunguk Kwon, Aditya Lele, Junqing Zhu, Charles S.McEnally, Lisa D.Pfefferle, Yuan Xuan, Adri C.T.van Duin, "ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics study of bio-derived polycyclic alkanes as potential alternative jet fuels" Fuel 279 (2020): 118548.
  5. Lele A. D., Soni, K., Narayanaswamy, K., & Krishnasamy, A "Experimental and Modeling Investigation of NO Formation Mechanism for Biodiesel and Its Blend with Methanol." No. 2019-01-0217. SAE Technical Paper, 2019.
  6. A.D. Lele, S. K. Vallabhuni, K. Moshammer, R. X. Fernandes, K. Anand, and K. Narayanaswamy, “Experimental and chemical kinetic modeling investigation of methyl butanoate as a biodiesel surrogate”
  7. Vallabhuni, S.K.,Lele, A.D., Patel, V., Lucassen, A., Moshammer, K., AlAbbad, M., Farooq, A. and Fernandes, R.X., 2018. "Autoignition studies of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) in a shock tube and a rapid compression machine". Fuel, 232, pp.423-430..
  8. A. D. Lele, K. Anand, K. Narayanaswamy, Surrogates for biodiesel: review and challenges, in: Biofuels A. Agarwal, R. Agarwal, T. Gupta, B. Gurjar (Eds), Biofuels, Green Energy and Technology, Springer, Singapore, 2017, pp. 177-199.
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